Friday, November 07, 2008

Message from Management

Please enjoy the photos. I figure I have bought myself a 385 day vacation until my next post . . . Right Dad?

Ethan as Captain Hook

Ethan had a pirate theme party this year for his birthday, so the pirate costume was a must.
Ethan with his friend Tobe.

Joseph / Avatar Ang in Kuzon Fire bender Disguise

Unfortunately,this is the only picture we have of Joseph as Ang/Kuzon.

Zuko (Avatar Villian) James

James was a character from the cartoon Avatar that Last Air Bender. All of my boys are into it. He originally had a scar around his eye, but his eye kept tearing up and washing away the makeup (I mean manly powder stuff to get James more in character.)
As if James needed help getting into character. Jared said he didn't step out of character once during the Elementary school parade.

Hours after the candy raid and James wanted to pose for some picutres.

This is my favorite.

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Maddie was really excited for Halloween this year. She was Mary had a Little Lamb, but if you asked her it was just Mary Lamb. She would yell out "I'm not little, I'm Mary Lamb."
This is the post candy, Momma's got the camera and I'm gonna pose picture.